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What is Sudha?

When comprehended separately the term ‘Sudha’ literally signifies ‘Amrit’ in Sanskrit and ‘Ambrosia’ in Greek which is commonly known as a ‘nectar’, furthermore ‘holy water’ or ‘divine water’ that could bring ‘Immortality’ to one’s life.

What is Yoga?

The Sanskrit term ‘Yoga’ which has been derived from the root ‘Yuj’ literally indicates ‘to join’, ‘to add’, ‘to unite’ or ‘to attach’ that refers to link an individual soul with the ultimate or divine one in order to get ‘Moksha’ (Liberation) i.e. freedom from the cycle of birth and death.

What is Ayurveda?

Another Sanskrit term ‘Ayurveda’ literally represents ‘Life + Knowledge’ gleaned from ‘Ayur + Veda’ which unveils the ultimate knowledge of life to be utilized profoundly by ‘Ayurvedacharyas’ (Doctors) for various astounding benefits.

What is Sudha Yoga & Ayurveda?

As stated above, we concluded Sudha Yoga & Ayurveda to be a quintessential and bona fide knowledge of life like an ambrosia which does not only augment us with numerous physical, mental and spiritual benefits throughout but will also steer us towards the target of imparting humanity with ‘Sanctity of Life’ which will eventually escort us to moksha (liberation).

Why combination?

The sanity behind this mingling of Yoga & Ayurveda is very simple yet complex. Like when we could reach a destination on foot why do we still use a bike or when it’s possible to travel by train why do we still prefer flights. Well, the answers to this lies in the observation of human behavior which evidently unveils our tendency to evolve, tweak and progress further for finding the nonpareil panacea to any problem or situation in the least possible time.

How does this works?

Now exactly the same way we invented this unification of the two epic sciences in order to get the best of the best outcome for any particular problem or requirement in the least possible time either by choosing the one which is more favorable for a certainly specific requirement and solution or by combining the both in any certainly specific applicable ratios to get the ultimate results.

But no matter what the approach is in exploring this amazing amalgamation towards any certainly specific requirement and solution the conclusion always comes out to be ideal on comparison with either of the two enormous sciences acting independently.


Therefore we urge to bridge utter humanity with the advantages of this coalition. So let’s converge and owe to remain pukka while being modern, advanced and business minded. Wishing ‘Paramananda’ (Ultimate Bliss) for all !!!