
6 months course


D.Y.A.E.D. is meant for those who want to grasp the deeper knowledge of Yoga & Ayurveda than A.Y.T.T.C. It is good to know and practice these amazing sciences with it’s 5 months duration to get enough time for their adaptation into one’s nature.
Thus in this Diploma students does not only learn Yoga & Ayurveda academically and practically in detail but they also understand the true applicability of these in their own lives to enhance it furhter and to become a capable teacher for others as well. LIFE
Anyone who undergoes this Diploma will have a total 1020 Hours of Direct Contact which on break down will be 455 Hours of Practical Training, 370 Hours of Theory Lectures & 195 Hours of Teaching Practice. Beside this it also entitles the candidate to enjoy 2 months of internship (1 Month National+ 1 Month International) for further Teaching Practice with Sudha Yoga & Ayurveda International Company.


On successful completion of Diploma all the candidates will be awarded with a golden opportunity to work Globally with Sudha Yoga & Ayurveda International Company. Admission open from now till 30th June, 2015


H.S.C Pass/ Pre University Level Dgree/ Age: No age bar


Selection is based on merit cum timely registration. MARKING SCHEME Candidates will be assessed thoro thoroughly in all aspects throughout the diploma including a final test in the end. Succeeding which they will be granted deserving grades with certificate of appreciation based on their overall performance and understanding of the entire course.